Thursday, May 23, 2013

What Free Food Can You Get On Your Birthday? DishClips and ChaCha are here to help!

What's the best gift you can ever receive on your birthday at any age??? Ok, well besides love...

Why, FREE FOOD of course!

A cake has been a symbol of celebration for birthdays, parties and big feasts usually associate with this every person holiday, and everyone loves it. Even restaurants.

Many people know that some restaurants will offer free dessert on a person's birthday and red robin gives you a free burger on your special day. Whenever I go to a restaurant with a celebrant, I just pass it by our waiter that it's someone's birthday and 70% of the time the restaurant has something in store for birthdays.

Thanks to ChaCha, here are some famous restaurants that know the importance of your special day and they want to celebrate with you if you come in to their eatery.
 From free drinks to even a $30 gift certificate, enjoy your special day whenever it is!

Free Birthday Food Restaurants:

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