Monday, May 20, 2013

Finals Week Fuel

It's that time of year again. Finals week has come upon us. I remember when I was in school I'd practically live on campus for the week of finals. I think at one point I brought a toothbrush and left it in my purse when I'd stay overnight and go home at 5 or 6 in the morning. Nevertheless, our campus wouldn't have much eateries open, the only real option was Denny's or a 24-hour Starbucks. But you can only handle so much of it. Except there were those times when food trucks like Kogi would drop by the campus.

I would only find out when Kogi would drop by via Twitter; then I found this website that helped me find even more food trucks around or see where my favorite food trucks were on real time. So this is my finals gift to all of you students studying for finals. We need to fuel up to have the perfect amount of energy for those finals.

Check out for the food trucks that drop by late night for your finals schedule.

Good luck on finals and congratulations to the 2013 graduates!

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