Monday, July 23, 2012

What's for Breakfast?

Second thing in the morning, after the coffee is made of course, the question lies, what's for breakfast? It is the 'most important meal of the day', so you have to make it count. Reach in to the fridge, pull out some ingredients and let your mind go to work.

One of my favorite items is a homemade Egg McMuffin, it's pretty easy too!
Items needed: English Muffin, diced garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil, (1-2) eggs, favorite cheese, ham, and my special ingredient, submarine dressing

1) Toast an English Muffin
2) In a heated pan, add olive oil, then egg(s), top with salt/pepper/garlic, cook on 1-side til desired level
3) Flip egg to lightly cook the top side keeping the yoke in tact
4) Add submarine dressing to the English muffin
5) Layer the English muffin with the egg(s), cheese
6) In the pan from before, add ham just to get it hot and to absorb some salty garlic flavors
7) Add Ham on top, melting the cheese and close it making your homemade Egg McMuffin

Bon Appetite!

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