Sunday, November 4, 2012

Gatten Sushi has "Gotten" me Excited!

Today I'm writing about a place called Gatten Sushi, which is located on California and Campus drive, right next to the University of California, Irvine. Now, I was just looking to take a study break and get a quick bite to eat, so I'm not calling this place exquisite dining, but for the price it actually wasn't bad. So just like in any sushi restaurant, as you walk in they pleasantly welcome you with a "hello!", which was nice; my friend and I decided to sit at the bar. The cool thing about this place is the revolving sushi bar, through which you can pick up whichever plate of sushi you want (as seen in the picture). You can also order straight off the menu to the waitress, and they will make the sushi for you right there. (Probably the better choice, you don't know how long that dragon roll has been sitting there.)

Honestly the best thing about this place is the quick and good service, along with the amazing price of $2 a plate! The specialty plates come with either two or three rolls, and the regular plates come with four rolls. My friend and I ordered a few rainbow rolls, a california with spicy tuna on top (which I loved), and a spicy tuna tempura. Now the key is that the spicy tuna tempura isn't on the menu, but if you ask, they usually will make it for you (I found this out, thanks to my friend), and it ended up being really tasty.

Now, of course you're not going to an expensive sushi place, but you're getting the bang for your buck. You get unlimited ginger (and that is like heaven to me, because the waitress usually wants to kill me after the third time I ask for more ginger), and it's the same deal with the spicy mayo and eel sauce. The whole experience was pretty good, with service and all that. If I'm ever looking for some quick sushi, I'll definitely be back!

Now I was almost done eating when I realized I forgot to take a picture! (I hate it when I do that, and it happens all too often, I just get too excited) But I snapped this one mid-meal:

The exact location is: 4517 Campus Drive, Irvine, CA 92512
The website is

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