Thursday, September 26, 2013

September is a national mushroom month

September is a national mushroom month
Have you recently seen something like that in your backyard, in your neighborhood or in the nearby park?

I am sure most of the answers would be “Yes”. This time of the year you can find them even in every green corner of any city, not to mention parks or forests.
Some of them are beautiful, bur poisonous, like those:

Some of them are not so good looking, but delicious, like those:

But before you go out and look for those edible mushrooms in the forest, you must know how to distinguish them from the dangerous ones. Very often they look similar…
How lucky we are that we have the safest ever way to get fresh and tasty mushrooms! Just go to a local store! And here you will see:

 I love mushrooms cooked many ways. I like mushroom soup, fried mushrooms with a bit of sour cream. I add mushrooms to my stews. And my favorite kind of pizza is mushroom pizza! 

Here is a recipe of mushroom dish that my entire family loves:
Cut and fry some onion in olive oil, add cleaned and slices mushrooms, cook for 15-20 minute or until they are soft and most of the water is evaporated (if water evaporated too soon, add some more water). Then add salt a little bit of pepper, and a lot of paprika (about 1-2 table spoons for about24 oz of mushrooms). Cook for additional 5-7 minutes. With paprika you can add some dried herbs, if you like them. I add Italian seasoning. Enjoy!
And do not forget to share the video your dish with your friends!

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